
How to Increase Your Gas Mileage

No amount of wishful thinking will lower prices at the pump. Instead, focus on efforts that will make a difference—follow these 8 tips to increase your gas mileage and get the most out of every gallon. 1. Drop the cargo weight. Cleaning your car out isn’t just good advice from your mom—it can actually save you […]

8 Lessons to Teach Kids About Credit

Credit doesn’t have to be a difficult concept for kids to grasp. In fact, a lot of the protocol backing credit usage is fairly relatable to kids of all ages. But that’s just it, not all ages are capable of understanding the same credit concepts. Breaking up the concepts throughout the life of an aging […]

Handling High Inflation

Slow and steady inflation is an expected part of a healthy financial system, but high inflation means high prices, rising interest rates, and lots of concerns about the best choices for our financial future. Inflation Refresher – Inflation is the value of currency dropping over time. There are a lot of interesting economic concepts that detail […]

How to Manage Your Debt

Even if you’re financially responsible, life’s unpredictable nature can sometimes catch you off guard, at times making it dangerously easy to fall into debt. Discover how to start managing your debt with these tips and tools. Types of Debt While being in debt is never ideal, some types of debt are better than others because […]

Check It Out

Still stashing money under beds, in ceiling tiles, or under floorboards? You may even use a safe to protect your cash. Yes, these are fun, creative ways to secure money, but they aren’t great for all your income. Instead, it’s time to take safe-guarding your money a little more seriously. Checking accounts—they’re serious—and safe. Balance […]

Teaching Children About Money

Whether you’re teaching finances to your kids, your grandkids, or those of a loved one, it’s absolutely essential to teach children how to manage the money they have and invest for the future. Spending An understanding of spending, including the ability to budget for and track it, is perhaps the most essential money skill you […]

Is the Money in My Account Safe?

Your financial institution is one of the safest places to store your hard-earned cash. The best part? All you have to do is open an account. Your Money is Protected There are two organizations, both backed by the United States government, that insure your money at participating institutions. The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) provides coverage for […]

Tips to Reduce Your Food Bill

Buying food is essential, but if you’re not careful, it can also eat into your budget. We’ve all given into the temptation of dinner at an expensive restaurant or a thoughtless trip to the grocery store where you throw anything and everything into the cart. Unfortunately, these expenses add up quickly and can cause your […]

Sick and Can’t Work?

Whether it’s sudden illness, short term illness, long term illness, or caring for someone you love, you’ll be more prepared to deal with the financial impacts with this quick guide and the resources it holds. Sudden Illness Sudden illness occurs when a medical ailment develops abruptly and unexpectedly in someone. Some symptoms of sudden illness […]

Create a Holiday Budget

It’s easy to get caught up in the magic of holiday spending. But if you’re relying on credit to make holiday wishes a reality, the magic often falls flat when your bills come due. Take the time now to create a holiday budget and avoid a post-holiday spending hangover. Be Realistic The best thing you […]